A Whisper in the Ear of a Muslim Son - Shaikh Falah Isma'eel Mundakaar

An immense book for every Muslim child living in a society wherein parental values are being eroded due to materialistic ambitions. The book highlights the importance of obedience to the parents in the good they command. The book is also very important in that it talks about the cultivation and the upbringing of children and how to nurture them in a modern times.
One of the most important elements of this book is that it shows and establishes methods in how to create a powerful bond and link between a father and child in modern society where everyone has become alienated.The book was authored by Shaykh Falaah ibn Isma’eel Al-Mundakaar a well known scholar of Kuwait who has travelled extensively around the world and thus draws in from his experiences.
Translator: Abul Abbaas Naveed Ayaaz