Arabic Grammar : Al-Ajurrumiyya – Workbooks for Islamic Studies

Workbooks for Islamic Studies
Arabic Grammar : Al-Ajurrumiyya
With Blank Space on Each Page For Notes & Lesson Plan
By Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad Bin Dawud al-Sinhaji (Ibn Ajurrum)
About The Book
THE WORKBOOKS FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES Series is a collection of important Islamic texts recommended by scholars for aspiring students of knowledge.
This volume contains Al-Ajurrumiyya, a classic manual in Arabic grammar.
The text is entirely vowelised for ease of memorisation and divided into portions in order to study it in appropriate stages.
Ample space is provided on each page for teachers to write lesson plans, notes and ideas, while students can utilise the workbook for making class notes, compiling benefits or even practising grammar exercises.
Size A4
Publisher : Darul Imam Muslim